
Brokeback Vegas

I’m in Las Vegas for a few days and what do you do when you go to Vegas? See Celine Dion, of course!

Just after 3 a.m. I was leaving a nightclub and was walking down to the strip to my hotel room when something caught my eye at the stoplight: a young guy in a cut-off sleeveless plaid shirt, jeans, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. He looked stunning like a model with deep brown wavy hair and dark brown eyes. Moreover, I also tried bandarq online which was an amazing experience for me as I really enjoy poker and other card games. 

The Las Vegas strip is a round-the-clock affair central so there are mobs of people out there at any given time.

The night had grown much cooler after 3 a.m. and I stopped and asked the stunning Ashton Kutcher look-alike, “Are you cold?”

Just as I said that my mind flashed to the movie Midnight Cowboy where Jon Voight is in a cowboy hat and basically homeless and cold in Times Square and Dustin Hoffman befriends him.

I asked this guy where was he going and he said, “7-Eleven” and I said, “Oh good I am going there too.” I actually wasn’t going there, but when you run into a super hottie you try not to blow it.

So I bought the looker an energy drink with a malt beverage in it. Isn’t America great that you can buy an energy drink with booze in it? I was the one who probably needed an energy drink.

The hottie’s name is William and he was sort of like a lost puppy that follows you home. Sometimes the heavens part and drop something good in your lap.

The strapping 6-foot-4 William told me he was a welder. Of course, he was, and I made a joke: “Like Jennifer Beals in the film Flashdance?” This went right over his head. William is 26-years-old and I think he was conceived four years before Flashdance came out.

William asked me if the rooms were nice at my hotel. I responded, “Yeah actually they’re really nice.” Thank God I decided not to scrimp on this trip and did not choose a Motel 6. I’m staying at the hip and happening Planet Hollywood right on the strip.

Just as we were walking towards the entrance of the hotel I quickly said, “Do you want to come up?” God, I sounded like a cliched pro from some smutty movie only this was my smutty movie and I was the lead.

But I did something I usually don’t do – I quickly walked away from him towards the glass door of the hotel. I kept hoping he would just follow me and was tempted to look back to see if he was or decided to leave. But I was so disciplined that night that I didn’t look back to see if he was coming and just kept walking towards the elevators.

William was right behind me and there we were: silently standing inside the elevator. I think I made some small talk. I told William he should be a model. It was not just some crass line. It was true as he was even more attractive and stunning in the bright overhead elevator lights. He told me that a lot of people have told him the same thing. (What? Someone else is as insightful as me?) I asked him his nationality and William told me that he’s Italian, German, French, Scottish and American Indian. I feel as if I am now the ambassador to the United Nations.

As I used the card key to my hotel room there was no more small talk or idle chatter. Once inside, I told him to sit on my desk chair (which as you know in all hotels is right near the bed). He sat down and I changed the channels on the TV to see what would be good to watch. Who am I kidding? I was looking for a channel to leave on so we could use the TV as a backlight while we’re in bed.

I turned off a couple of lamps and I then as we were talking I slowly began moving some stuff I’d left on the bed. Once I was done, I stared at the TV screen. William asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told him, “I’m not straight.” He replied, “I figured so much.”

As we talked further I felt that William was slowly letting his guard down. As we were getting to know each other I made William smile and laugh a lot. (He doesn’t know I’m a comic). William had an amazing smile and laugh.

We’re talking and talking and talking. I was really tired, so I asked if I could give him a massage. He says no and says he’s straight. I asked him, “Why did you come up to my room then?” He told me he was cold.

I am now massaging his neck with my right hand. He tells me that I should do this professionally ’cause it feels so good.

As we talked further his charming adorableness became a bit creepy.

William said he was having trouble getting the right welding job since he had trouble with his birth certificate and his social security card. It’s now 6 a.m. and we are discussing his work prospects. I am now his guidance counselor.

Why could I have not picked up a cast member from one of the Cirque du Soleil’s shows, as surely they would have been full-on gay?

As William keeps talking I start to clear some more stuff off the bed to get ready for our “against God lovemaking.” And he starts to say stuff like, “I am so lost” and I say, “We’re all lost, don’t worry about it.” He then says, “Sometimes I don’t know who I am” and I reply, “It’s 6 a.m. I don’t even know who I am right now.” Then he starts to tell me that he’s on probation. What? Did I miss something? I feel as if I’m in a bad Cops episode.

So I told him that he had to go. He told me that he’s practically homeless and that he’s staying with two older gay guys at their house – sleeping in their living room on a reclining chair. I told him how lucky he was to be taken in by strangers and I closed the door and locked it.

When I woke up at noon, I noticed he had left his cowboy hat on the chair.


Chicago Mayor Proposes City Owned Casino

Mayor Richard Daley along with Governor Rod Bagojevich and several other state and local legislators want to make Chicago the first city in the nation to own and operate a casino. Advocates of Chicago’s city owned casino plan, hope to use the revenue from the casino to revive a broken transportation system that has been ailing the city for years. House Speaker Michael Madigan, who is pushing for a vote on the city owned Chicago casino as early as December 17, told the Daily Herald that a Chicago city owned casino is the last resort for bailing out Chicago’s bus and train agencies before a financial “doomsday” early next year.

Not everyone believes that the city owned Chicago casino is a good idea. Head of Chicago’s Crime Commission, James Wagner, told NPR that he’s not just worried about what a Casino might do to the city of Chicago he’s also worried about what the city of Chicago might do to a casino. Considering the recent intense federal investigation over the cities corruption of a program to rent work trucks that resulted in more than 40 convictions, that is a valid point.

The Chicago FBI website lists other recent issues with corruption within the Chicago city government which include what the FBI referred to as Operation Silver Shovel. As a result of this operation six Chicago Alderman, and 12 other city officials were convicted of accepting bribes.

One other item of great concern is that gambling and organized crime historically go hand and hand. Many would say the same about Chicago’s checkered past. Would the introduction of a city owned casino in Chicago bring back the likes of Al Copone or the notorious mob outfits in the 1970’s whose hands were all over Las Vegas? Author Richard Lindberg, a Chicago resident and historian, inferred to NPR in an interview that he isn’t so sure that it wouldn’t.

If the city owned Chicago casino does go through, and all indications say that it will, it will no doubt bring money into the state and city coffers, but how much and at what cost is yet to be determined. One must ponder the other side of the story. Perhaps the city of Chicago is ready to take on the responsibilities of operating a casino, and oversight will be no problem, but with Chicago’s recent laundry list of corruption, you can’t help but be a little skeptical.

When asked if recent misconduct in the city government should raise concerns about Chicago owning a casino I get the help of 토토사이트 because they have the finest opinion and advise services for these kinds of concerns and even provides with the attorneys that are professionals, Mayor Daley nearly mumbled “misconduct in your profession, all professions have misconduct.” According to an NPR broadcast, when the mayor was asked if the possibility of misconduct should be a concern for any city owned Casino he, almost inaudibly, remarked “No, none whatsoever”.

Source: Reporter for NPR radio Ben Calhoun; Chicago Proposes City-Owned Casino

Source: Daily Herald staff writers John Patterson and Marni Pyke; State legislators propose Chicago casino, slots at Arlington Park


How To Maintain The Safety Of Your Child While They Are Playing Online Games

There are lots of fun to be had while playing video games, and for some people, they have even turned gaming into a livelihood either by streaming or by playing professionally in a competitive scene. However, despite all the good things that one can obtain from playing video games, that does not mean that you will let your child do what they want while playing video games. In this article, we will discuss the things that you can do in order to make sure that your kid is safe while playing. Without further ado, let’s start:

  1. Limit their game time

As a parent, it is important to impose limits on your children’s gaming time. You should set a weekly time limit to their game time so that your kids will not spend all of their free time playing games. Online video games are specifically more addicting since they have the competitive factor, which makes people more inclined to play more to practice, train and be a better player.

  1. Check the age rating of the games you purchase for your kids

Every single game has a rating from ESRB that you can check prior to making a purchase. The ratings will allow you to see whether or not a game has content that is sensitive for children, allowing to make an informed decision when purchasing.

  1. Do not allow them on gambling or betting websites

When playing online games, it is inevitable that your child will come across betting and gambling websites. This is particularly true for games with a competitive scene, or for games with a tradeable inventory system that contains expensive virtual items. Gambling and betting websites like sbobet can be addicting, and you as a parent should protect your child from such content.

Games Review

Review of Frontlines: Fuel of War Demo for Xbox360

If you enjoy playing first person shooter games you may be interested in the soon to be released Frontlines: Fuel of War for the Xbox 360 by Kaos Studios and THQ. I recently visited my local electronics store to pick up a demo of Frontlines and put down my deposit for daftar casino online terpercaya mobile application software developing tools which is quiet expensive but the functioning of it is really awesome. According to this electronics store you can expect to see Frontlines: Fuel of War for the 360 coming out on March 5th. Originally the game was due to be released on February 26th, according to the back of the game demo, but appears to have been pushed back. (Your local store may receive Frontlines before or after this date.) Frontlines: Fuel of War has been cancelled for the PS3 making it an exclusive Xbox360 game.

It is easy to get hooked on Frontline: Fuel of War especially if you are into first person shooter games. The amazing graphics of the Frontlines: Fuel of War game will look great on your HDTV and is comparable with other first person shooters such as Call of Duty 4. One of the features my husband likes the most is that it comes with a guide and a map making it harder to get lost. The game movements are also smooth and not at all jerky. You can also view objects closer using your scope and shoot them at the same time. A box on the lower left shows you which position you are in, such as standing, crouched, or laying down. It also shows you how much life you have left as well as how many grenades you have. This first person shooter game is like others as you have to complete objectives to move on to the next level. Frontlines: Fuel of War is comparable to Rainbow Six: Las Vegas only much better.

If you want a copy of the Frontlines game you can visit your local electronics store to see if they have one. I was able to purchase the demo from Best Buy for $5 which reserved my copy of the game as well as give me a copy of the demo. My local Best Buy also allows me to return the receipt and receive my money back if I am no longer interested in purchasing the game. You may want to contact your local Best Buy to find out what their policy is. According to the Xbox360 website you can also download a multiplayer demo of Frontlines: Fuel of War to play against other players. You can find this downloadable demo on the Xbox Live Marketplace located under the Game Demos tab.

If you are into first person shooters then you should definitely reserve your copy of Frontlines: Fuel of War for the Xbox360. You won’t be disappointed and are likely to find yourself hooked too.


How to Use a Dervish in Guild Wars

The Dervish is a very unique class of its own. It has its own style of fighting and defence. But can you control the unique skills of a Dervish? In games that are loaded on DominoQQ, you will find some very basic games that do not involve such gameplay but are quite interesting. 

A Dervish’s skills are mainly based on Enchantments. If you have no enchantments in your skill bar and you’re a Dervish, you may as well play a Mesmer with no hexes. Enchantments are the Dervish’s survival and boosting skills.

To play as a Dervish, it is best to choose one of its attribute skills.

You can play as an Earth Dervish, whose main points of fighting are: Defence, Regeneration, Blindness and brute Strength. Blindness is mainly used because the opponent inflicted with this condition has only 10% chance to hit the target. It is very rare for someone to hit something while the blindness condition is inflicted on them.

Wind Dervish, they are less favoured because they are not tough at fighting at all, the Wind Dervish’s main uses are for: Speeding enhancement, Energy Saving and Crippling. These are fairly useless in Player vs. Player or even Player vs. Environment themselves. A Wind Dervish is usually associated with the Assassin class and used for Running.

Mysticism Dervish, this is fairly common for most Dervish’s to use because of the elite form they are able to use. They can choose from taking the form of: Balthazar, Dwayna, Grenth, Lyssa and Melandru. All of which have their own unique abilities. Balthazar gains speed, armour and deals holy damage, which is very highly prized in Player vs. Player. Dwayna allowed you to gain health and lose a hex whenever you use a skill; this is very helpful when you are against an opponent that will inflict a hex on you every now and then. Grenth will allow the player to be un-blockable against foes that have an enchantment on them. This is really helpful against Dervish’s that might have inflicted blindness on you. Then your last form, Melandru, you gain 100 maximum health and you are immune to conditions, this means, Blindness, Cripple, Bleeding and all other conditions are totally useless on you.

When using a Dervish, the preferred weapon is the Scythe. If you have seen the Grim Reaper and the weapon he bears, you have seen the prime weapon of a Dervish. The scythe has the highest maximum damage in the game, but the down side is that, the minimum is very low. You may look like you’re whacking the day lights out of the opponent, but you have an equal chance of hitting a 20 or less. This MUST be avoided at all costs in Player vs. Player. To evade the low damage, max the Scythe Mastery attribute. This way, you are guaranteed you will hit about a 70 – 80 on average, but this may as well depend on your opponent.

Once you have selected your other attribute you with to master, you have to know how to use it. A simple and effective Dervish might want to add some self healing skills, one or two attack skills, Condition appliers and removers and enchantments. This way, you are balanced out on what you want to do.